Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Elephant on the Way .. @ Melbourne Zoo!!

I am really very excited about this... Melbourne Zoo's Dokkoon (16yr old Asian Elephant) is due to give birth any day now. And how long has she been pregnant? 22 months!!! woah!!!

So cute.. here she's doing some yoga positions to help her with the birth as the calf is facing head first (not ideal). So by doing a headstand, it helps to move the calf to a more favourable position, ie bottom first!

Some facts about elephants:
1) they can live up to 70yrs old
2) the calf can weigh up to 120kgs at birth; adult elephant can weigh up to 6.5 tons ie 6500kg.
3) in Asian culture, they are a symbol of wisdom - memory and intelligience, yes they can laugh, cry, are sensitive and very sociable!
4) they form deep family bonds
5) 2 distinct species - Asian & African - African elephants have larger ears, twice as large to that of Asian elephants.

For every reason, they are amongst the most adorable creatures in the world...

Here on the left is a pic of my elephant named Tigor, whose caretaker said he is named after a flower of Sumatra (where he was originally rescued from due to deforestation). Isn't he gorgeous? So handsome. I had him for hours all to myself in the "Elephant Safari Park" in Bali Indonesia (Oct08).
Here's another photo I had taken of their rear ends.. ehehee I love this photo!

If you want to know more about the "Elephant Safari Park" and how it has saved elephant lives.. here's a great site I found which tells you all about it and it's even got a video too! Trusty getaway.. :)
Plus, I have to say that Bali Adventure Tours were super!! Very highly recommended.

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