Thursday, January 7, 2010

when you are in a Happy Holiday Mood..

Do you realise how differently you see the world when you are in a holiday mood? Sure, the warm summer morning helps... having a nice breakfast at Glick's (yes a great bagel, and lovely coffee) makes it even nicerrrr... but more importantly, there was no rush, you take your time and know you don't have to be back at work tomorrow. You also pay more attention to details in your surroundings, and really appreciate what we have when you watch the world just go on by..

In your standard work day, when you are busy having lunch with friends, workmates, or clients... you sometimes take whatever is for granted and don't really see what's really around you. What I mean is, everything seems like a rush... we never have enough time... and time is money. You eat, then back to work, finish your working day at whatever time... return home.. next day you wake.. same routine over, until the weekend and then come Sunday you look forward to Mondayitis. Don't get me wrong tho', I seriously love what I do! But I myself am also terribly guilty of being busy with work, work and more work! :-)

Bosses are now pushing on 'Work-Life Balance'. Ask yourself, when was the last time you took a really good long holiday. When I say holiday, I'm not talking about anything less than 2 weeks, cos 2 weeks means you are just getting into it. Today, I was reading Business Times Online, and although the article is really about the UK workforce referencing 5 million people regularly work unpaid overtime are working on average 57 days a year for nothing. That's the way life is these days.. true, the challenge of staying ahead and getting ahead. But if you work hard, work smart! and play hard too!! Or, 'burnout' and 'exhaustion' will eventually hit you..

It's also amazing how you feel when you break the cycle of routine and go on a holiday (whether it's far or near, maybe somewhere different) whenever you can! You may, just come back seeing the world a little differently...

Here's the article if you are interested:

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